Waterproof Cotton and TPU
- Shower Proof Cotton Canvas - Various Colours £6.00 /GreyNavyBlackBlushTealAvailable in 5 colors
- Sheep Eco Laminated Cotton £4.65 /
- Mushroom Eco Laminated Cotton From £4.65 /
- Dinosaurs Blue Eco Laminated Cotton From £4.65 /
- Shower Proof Cotton Canvas - Textured Colours £7.75 /BlueGreenVioletBlushYellowAvailable in 5 colors
- Joyful Bloom Eco Laminated Cotton From £4.65 /
- We Are Family Eco Laminated Cotton From £4.65 /
- Daisy Eco Laminated Cotton From £4.65 /
- Happy Animals PU Raincoat Fabric £7.50 /
- White Laminated Towelling Fabric £7.00 /
- Spotty PU Raincoat Fabric £7.50 /
- Jade and Coral TPU waterproof £5.50 /